We all have the pain, some more than others but what's more than just fighting the constant physical disruption is the interference this disease has on the relationships we have with our family and friends. It is the invisible destructor of mind, body and soul; that is if we let it.
I have have had Fibromyalgia for almost 6 years now and between managing work, family and friends, the last thing I wanted to do was reveal my diagnosis. I didn't want to be thought of as week(though I was), or a burden. It is hard enough to find physicians who will work with you to the final diagnosis let alone trying to explain what is going on to your closest friends right?
The way I look at it we have two options, one is to keep is quiet and carry this overwhelming burden to ourselves or two, choose a few close family and friends and do a sort of information intervention. Over dinner, drinks, whatever; talk to them about what this disease is and how it effects your day to day activities. Show them some information about treatment and the side effects of the disease. Up until this point all they know is that you have been evasive, despondent and great at avoidance.
I think you will be surprised and relieved by the response you will get. Instead of your closest feeling as if they had done something wrong to trigger your behavior, they will begin to understand why you have canceled coffee with the girls, dancing with your husband or all the other social activities you now find yourself avoiding due to the pain and lack of energy.
I too, am still a work in progress and try to be as independent as possible but sometimes there are days that are just too much for me to handle. So when I ask a friend to help carpool the kids or to go shopping with me and help unload the groceries it takes some of the stress out of my day and also keeps me in touch with those I am closest to.
There are some great support groups in most cities out there, if you know of some in your area please feel free to post them here and be sure to share your story with us; it is the lessons of other which make us stronger.
Hang in there. I got your back. :)