According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, an estimated 23.5 million people world wide suffer from autoimmune diseases. It makes me ask, "With that many voices, why are we still not being heard?" All be it, the majority of these diseases have scribed their place in the medical books and are becoming more and more recognizable; however, a large number of people are plagued with invisible diseases that continue to go unrecognized, untreated and with disregard not just by the medical community but society as well.
What are we left with? An entire society of people who have become afraid to use their voice. They have been told by Dr's that it's all in their head and not to worry. Their peers have muted cries for help because there was nothing visibly wrong and the worst part of it all, is after a while they start to believe it!
This plight is not about sympathy but empathy. It is about the community of our peers, family and friends not just recognizing but supporting in the cause for a cure. I am here to tell you, it is not all in your head! You are not alone in this fight for understanding and a sense of reprieve for wanting someone to say, "It's ok, we will fight this together. You are not alone".
You are the voice, you are the teacher and you are a survivor! To show your support and help fund the expansion of awareness for Fibromyalgia, donate $2.99 by purchasing our "Fight Like A Girl" bracelets. (shipping included to all U.S. states)
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