Friday, April 8, 2011

Fibromyalgia: Could It Really Be That Simple?

As I watched this video the other day, not only was I impressed with its awareness component but also with the question as to weather Fibromyalgia could be environmentally triggered. We all want a cure, that is foremost on all of our minds and I am sure that scientist are evaluating at this very moment what can be done to help ease our pain but how much of that research is based on the true "cause" of this invisible syndrome?

About as "green" as I get, is when my daughter makes me recycle the newspaper so it had never really occurred to me that there could be an environmental cause. I have spent years tracking, noting and tracing my Fibro back to its beginning and feel pretty confident in its original trigger; however, if I am to be a true optimist, skeptic or even pessimist I have to be open to the idea that what know to be true very well may be wrong. On the other hand, it might be what little we do know is right and this disabling syndrome is caused by a detrimental illness, imprinting stress or other physical/emotional turmoil sparking what ends up to be the worst life sentence I can think of.

Either way, it is up for debate as to what you believe to be the cause of your diagnosis. I think eventually most of us come to some sort of term with how we got where we are health wise and have made peace with that. I know personally if I hadn't, there is no way I could move forward in a healthy and productive way. It wasn't just about knowing and accepting that I had Fibromyalgia but accepting its fate and what that gave me to work with. I know what my limitations are and I push through them everyday hoping that the next day will push me even further. Only you can decide how to handle your treatment and I will leave it up to the scientists to figure out if there is indeed a globally environmental factor that leads us to square one. Until then, I guess it really isn't that simple but sure is food for thought.


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1 comment:

  1. My sister suffered for years with FM and then died of cancer. Every time she would go to the doctor with symptoms of pain they would remind her that she had FM and there was nothing they could do for it .. just go home, it's in your head type of handling by her physicians. When all the while the cancer was eating her alive until her death. I pray that this does not happen to anyone else who suffers with FM .. don't let doctors diagnose you and then never pay attention to any of your health concerns ever again. Thanks for the video, it is a good one.
